
What is SureshRai.com?

Suresh Rai is a website which helps online buyers to make more informed decisions while purchasing digital products online with the help of product reviews, ratings and comparisons.

Here, at SureshRai.com, we regularly publish digital product reviews and comparison articles to help online buyers. So that they can easily make more informed decisions when buying digital products online.

Man Behind SureshRai.Com

My name is Suresh Rai – I am an affiliate marketer and founder of https://sureshrai.com. I write digital product reviews and comparison articles on my blog (ReviewMux.com) to help online buyers. So that they can easily make more informed decisions when buying digital products online.

Suresh Bokhim Rai

As a co-founder at ReviewMux, I help people make informed decisions about various products and services online, such as web hosting, VPN, email marketing, etc. I use my skills in affiliate marketing, content marketing, and search engine marketing (SEM) to create engaging and informative reviews and comparisons that attract and retain customers.

I have a Diploma in Computer Science and Technology from Darjeeling Polytechnic Institute, where I learned the fundamentals of programming, web development, and data structures. I also have a vocational background in Higher Secondary Examination from Rama Krishna Siksha Parishad Boy’s Higher Secondary School. I am passionate about earning money online and exploring the possibilities of the internet. My goal is to grow ReviewMux as a trusted and reliable source of information and guidance for online consumers.

I started my online business four years ago, in January 2019. Now Iā€™m off work at my old company to spend all my time and dedication on this new job. It gives me a great source of income that I have never imagined before.

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